Training Delivery and Compliance

Contact Information for Programs and Services

Bureau Overview

The Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau (TDC) is the principal liaison between the Commission and Law Enforcement Agencies, training managers, and Course Presenters. The bureau works with over 900 POST law enforcement presenters, as well as a number of agencies not in the POST program, to certify quality law enforcement training courses and to ensure the delivery of that training. Our mission is fulfilled by a team of regional consultants and professional staff working together to ensure that the field training needs of over 93,000 peace officers, dispatchers, and reserve officers are met.

The state is divided into ten service areas, each of which is overseen and serviced by a law enforcement training consultant assigned to this bureau. You may reach TDC staff by using POST’s Region Map and Bureau Contact Information.

TDC Programs and Services


The staff of the TDC Bureau consists of the Bureau Chief, ten Senior Law Enforcement Consultants, a Staff Services Manager who oversees three Course Control specialists, and a Contract Administrator. The bureau is responsible for the following:

  • Attending Chief, Training Manager, and other client meetings to provide consultation, answer questions, and clarify selection and/or training issues
  • Provide excellent customer service to agencies and presenters
  • Perform annual agency compliance audits
  • Course certification
  • Present Regional Training Manager workshops and the Training Coordinator Course
  • Training manager and executive meeting attendance

Finding a POST-Certified Course

All POST-Certified courses have a Course Title and a Course Control Number. Each course can be certified to several presenters, and courses can be scheduled throughout the year at different locations within the state. Certified Courses can be found using the POST Catalog of Certified Courses.

Find a Specific Course:

By Subject

Access the Catalog of Certified Courses, and use a word search to find a particular subject topic. If the word is contained in a Course Title or in the description, a listing of Course Titles will be displayed. You can then access the course information by selecting one of the titles listed.

By Title

If the Course Title is known, the Catalog of Certified Courses provides an index of all the Certified Course Titles listed alphabetically. For more information about a specific course, contact the presenter of the course.

By Course Number (using EDI)

Certified Courses can also be obtained through the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system. Through EDI, Certified Course Presenters may view up-to-date course information, including presentation dates, locations of presentations and Course Roster status.

Obtaining a Course Control Number

All course control numbers are made up of 14 numerical digits. The first four digits identify the course presenter. The second five digits identify the individual course number (i.e. “Traffic Collision Investigation” course number is “33590”). These two elements are referred to as the Course Certification Number. The last five digits are the fiscal year (two digits) followed by the presentation number (three digits). The entire 14-digit number is referred to as the Course Control Number. The Course Certification Number is given to a presenter when the course is certified, and the Course Control Number is assigned when a Course Announcement is received.

To obtain a Course Control number, an agency or presenter can:

  1. Look up the course on the Catalog of Certified Courses.
  2. Check the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system.
  3. Contact the POST Course Control Unit for further assistance.

For courses not listed in the Course Catalog or other Course-related questions, please contact the Course Control Unit by telephone at (916) 227-4863.